Friday, February 5, 2016

Ut Duplum

Arthritic hands unclasp and open toward ya,
A gritty flat is financed in Oakland, California,
Minimally adorned, mirth adjourns, time to code,
Frustration battles the pursuit of new plateaus.

This independence eventually foments hesitation,
Also remedies the disease of sensory sensitization,
I ought avail of the lack of my footing's faculty to fail,
Kitetail practice astern spasming lashes writes the tale.

An undiscovered country, let's call it Star Trek sixth,
A ruse to secure my approved tomb as 
Rebukes my full potential, and calls for revolution,
Choose philosophy that's political for an indication.

The careless barrier I've erected in this occurrence, 
Is hyperawareness of projection and transference,
Persevering till a peerless bearance of undaunted stealth,
Necessitates adopting projection of the unwanted self.

The Disappearing Poem

Waiting room, ear drops, neck hurts, head drops,
Rabid dog, upset, can't go home, Ocuflox,
Cyanotic gung-ho, mental count of death toll,
Even permanent determinists need their self control.

Another HIPAA mistake, privacy sublimates,
Competively disallow secrets just to up the stakes,
Loneliness cracks and runs up ahead of the pack,
Regret seeps into the pavement, always more black.

Dissenters conjecture that they deserve cooperation,
To opt in adopts the same flawed discrimination,
Vaccination? Apologies, technology doesn't exist,
So poof...vamoose son of a bitch.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Cat's Café in Cali

Lady saunters in, nodding her head to some Bibio,
To a quaint cafe with just enough room for a doppio,
The lake gets circumnavigated, the wind's refrigerated,
The view looks like Ansel Adams with exploding colorization. 

"If we had any dinosaur bones, we could surely construct a kite,"
She notes the wind, turns to me & says, "blathering blatherskite."
I adjust my tie and fluster, who is this eccentric nerd?
I'd like to help you, but am unable, as my vision's blurred.

As she straps on her armor and mounts her iron steed,
I regret we hadn't succeeded at What Am I Thinking,
Shared context would help to improve our common ground,
Better modify the inputs & outputs the 2nd time around.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Idealizing of Iesha

Brevity may be the soul of wit,
But entropy'll be the end of it,
Feeling too much: that's the policy,
Established by his odd psychology.

Nature roars while reason explores,
One unlocks, the other blocks the door,
The lust is too much, preempting insight,
My heart explodes as I cry in the night. 

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Comedy Neck

Peanut butter & jelly mixed with meatballs and spaghetti,
Go together better than a funny yeti & this screwball pretty,
Her profile's wild, beautiful smile, with a halo of spiralen,
Picturing her on a private island give reactions that're violent.

When she drags on her vape pen, and chats on the phone,
Is when I know she cares for me, or prefers to be alone,
I always mix those up, I really should learn to distinguish,
Otherwise I'm getting played like guys with kung-fu grip.

Why do we fall down? To learn to become more sensitive,
Raising my threshold for frustration deserves my attention,
So while I strap on these twenty sixteen glasses and wait,
I wait for her Uber to pick me up so we can begin our date.

If we rush to fulfill each other’s physicality with coitus,
She won't have a reason to intelligence recoinoiter,
Sergio gives me pointers, but we have far-flung ideals,
Sexual fulfillment is easy, I miss how intimacy feels.

Now the lines get shorter, attrition provoker,
The opposite of her tickle party once-over,
It's counterintuitive to wait longer with her,
Maybe our restraint keeps us in the picture.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Shane William Scott

R2-D2 is now a Segway Unicycle,
The awful terrors in the City of Eiffel,
Musk angel-landed on the head of a pin,
Black lives do matter and love did win.

Of the twits & wits that 2015 admits,
Your bday doesn't amount to 2 wet shits,
But if friends are close & enemies nearby,
Happy Bday from now to junior high.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Prolegomena to Her

The worst dissonance of information as the synthesis of currency and product,
Conducts in her an urgency for deliverance with a stew of groundnut,
Interest more in the last thing the community notices in one than the first,
Portents my foremost wish for the intellectual intimacy for which I thirst.