Friday, February 5, 2016

Ut Duplum

Arthritic hands unclasp and open toward ya,
A gritty flat is financed in Oakland, California,
Minimally adorned, mirth adjourns, time to code,
Frustration battles the pursuit of new plateaus.

This independence eventually foments hesitation,
Also remedies the disease of sensory sensitization,
I ought avail of the lack of my footing's faculty to fail,
Kitetail practice astern spasming lashes writes the tale.

An undiscovered country, let's call it Star Trek sixth,
A ruse to secure my approved tomb as 
Rebukes my full potential, and calls for revolution,
Choose philosophy that's political for an indication.

The careless barrier I've erected in this occurrence, 
Is hyperawareness of projection and transference,
Persevering till a peerless bearance of undaunted stealth,
Necessitates adopting projection of the unwanted self.

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