Thursday, December 31, 2015

Comedy Neck

Peanut butter & jelly mixed with meatballs and spaghetti,
Go together better than a funny yeti & this screwball pretty,
Her profile's wild, beautiful smile, with a halo of spiralen,
Picturing her on a private island give reactions that're violent.

When she drags on her vape pen, and chats on the phone,
Is when I know she cares for me, or prefers to be alone,
I always mix those up, I really should learn to distinguish,
Otherwise I'm getting played like guys with kung-fu grip.

Why do we fall down? To learn to become more sensitive,
Raising my threshold for frustration deserves my attention,
So while I strap on these twenty sixteen glasses and wait,
I wait for her Uber to pick me up so we can begin our date.

If we rush to fulfill each other’s physicality with coitus,
She won't have a reason to intelligence recoinoiter,
Sergio gives me pointers, but we have far-flung ideals,
Sexual fulfillment is easy, I miss how intimacy feels.

Now the lines get shorter, attrition provoker,
The opposite of her tickle party once-over,
It's counterintuitive to wait longer with her,
Maybe our restraint keeps us in the picture.

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