Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Cat's Café in Cali

Lady saunters in, nodding her head to some Bibio,
To a quaint cafe with just enough room for a doppio,
The lake gets circumnavigated, the wind's refrigerated,
The view looks like Ansel Adams with exploding colorization. 

"If we had any dinosaur bones, we could surely construct a kite,"
She notes the wind, turns to me & says, "blathering blatherskite."
I adjust my tie and fluster, who is this eccentric nerd?
I'd like to help you, but am unable, as my vision's blurred.

As she straps on her armor and mounts her iron steed,
I regret we hadn't succeeded at What Am I Thinking,
Shared context would help to improve our common ground,
Better modify the inputs & outputs the 2nd time around.

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