Thursday, December 31, 2015

Comedy Neck

Peanut butter & jelly mixed with meatballs and spaghetti,
Go together better than a funny yeti & this screwball pretty,
Her profile's wild, beautiful smile, with a halo of spiralen,
Picturing her on a private island give reactions that're violent.

When she drags on her vape pen, and chats on the phone,
Is when I know she cares for me, or prefers to be alone,
I always mix those up, I really should learn to distinguish,
Otherwise I'm getting played like guys with kung-fu grip.

Why do we fall down? To learn to become more sensitive,
Raising my threshold for frustration deserves my attention,
So while I strap on these twenty sixteen glasses and wait,
I wait for her Uber to pick me up so we can begin our date.

If we rush to fulfill each other’s physicality with coitus,
She won't have a reason to intelligence recoinoiter,
Sergio gives me pointers, but we have far-flung ideals,
Sexual fulfillment is easy, I miss how intimacy feels.

Now the lines get shorter, attrition provoker,
The opposite of her tickle party once-over,
It's counterintuitive to wait longer with her,
Maybe our restraint keeps us in the picture.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Shane William Scott

R2-D2 is now a Segway Unicycle,
The awful terrors in the City of Eiffel,
Musk angel-landed on the head of a pin,
Black lives do matter and love did win.

Of the twits & wits that 2015 admits,
Your bday doesn't amount to 2 wet shits,
But if friends are close & enemies nearby,
Happy Bday from now to junior high.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Prolegomena to Her

The worst dissonance of information as the synthesis of currency and product,
Conducts in her an urgency for deliverance with a stew of groundnut,
Interest more in the last thing the community notices in one than the first,
Portents my foremost wish for the intellectual intimacy for which I thirst.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Diminished Capacity

I'd rather debate than date, but solitude hampers the cycle,
Equivocating frustration won't lead me to an empathetic rival,
Spirals of primal catch-22s glue beside my craftier faculties,
A heart with passionate promise sits tactfully and atrophies.


Opera is divine, nothing can be finer than Nixon in China,
Smarts, hope, and art can cope with life as a pariah,
Isolation of success is the causation of progress,
But without another to blush, the color is suppressed.


Hey Kileydee, pleased to meet ye, I'm denoted as Mikey,
Your smile presaged this message while I decorate the tree,
Global traveling, social advancing, and dancing are your fuel,
I just hope in Central America you didn't become a drug mule.

Mighty Spicy

Hey Rey, what's up? I'm Michael. Sapiophile? Yup,
Are you brilliant? Nice pics, and with very little makeup,
You seem like a catch, but we may clash as a match,
Though I will say I can make samosas from scratch.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Almost Just Right

The resemblance of her presence can't be contained in this sentence,
Her smirking play of wording affirmed the remnants of a dentist,
The empathy underneath her myelin sheath echoed the pulling of teeth,
Henry David Thoreau couldn't even mistletoe be-underneath.

I ineffectively fawned over how she represented herself intellectually,
Though her premise of me chasing coitus, denied my loving demisexually,
Not that we'd yet had the mass of chitchat genuinely warranting that,
I confess to being less possessed of the strength to stifle romance.

She seemed detached. Our exactitude and humor proved the good match,
My eyes still find her photo, though her smoothness embodies the scratch,
I think the reality of this peak of geeky mystique is unlikely unique,
It's less than fun to fall for each one and accumulate the loss streak.

Maybe the relevant content of being triumphant is the art of the sentiment,
Part and parcel of being an arsehole would be being harmfully arrogant,
That the contenders are occasional & singular, merely cries for an overhaul,
Take an emotional bath, and like a polymath, climb upon the ball.

It's an unthinkable principle, but my motivation needs to be reciprocal,
That emotion affirms reason, while logic confirms art, is of itself critical,
Soliciting an implicit hierarchical dominance would decry of a difference,
By unifying each aspect of the mind they'll become each other's complements.

Play Me Quoridor

She was the abstract concept for this project about me,
So analysis of tensions will be outlined from A to Z,
A passion for power imparity coupled with reciprocal respect,
Reduces the ability to capture the king: it's unchecked.

Reusing the way I feel leads to an emotional recycle,
And with bipolar disorder this isn't an option for Michael,
Whether it be a play for power or legit dearth of time,
Their lack of intimacy is becoming an issue, this rhymes.

Popcorn thoughts get hot, then brought to bear,
But she's off hibernating, can't be bothered to care,
His heart caves in, under the Winter of his kissed descent,
Doubtless affecting his motivational capacity to invent.

"Just use science with emotion!" he relented at last,
Though reactions in the past had been easily forecast,
Accusations of insincerity resounded like a guitar,
But it's not disingenuous if that's who you are!

Date science suggests playing hot & cold keeps them begging,
But that just seems like passive Red Pill negging.
I wonder if this assists with love, or mere sexuality,
Efficiency can surely be intertwined with morality.

"And isn't it interesting we're back at my long-term burden?"
He said as he wrenched ourselves back from the 3rd person,
Randomized Platonic forms imposed upon my pain,
Somehow elutes my nerve from the chaos again.

This Olympian foot race of thoughts in my head,
Directs my focus from the popcorn to the kernels instead,
I'll take density of wisdom over their flash in the pan,
Now I'm dancing with metaphor because I apparently can.

But time grows short while my mettle shrinks tall,
If my life'll always suck then why save it at all?
And this weight creates a negative feedback loop,
An entropy blackhole filled with absurdist duck soup.

It's about time & space for a feedback of help,
To give me less of the ness, and more of myself,
I'm in a prime place for my boldface fount to create,
Of late, it's been a stressful mess trying to date.