Thursday, December 17, 2015

Play Me Quoridor

She was the abstract concept for this project about me,
So analysis of tensions will be outlined from A to Z,
A passion for power imparity coupled with reciprocal respect,
Reduces the ability to capture the king: it's unchecked.

Reusing the way I feel leads to an emotional recycle,
And with bipolar disorder this isn't an option for Michael,
Whether it be a play for power or legit dearth of time,
Their lack of intimacy is becoming an issue, this rhymes.

Popcorn thoughts get hot, then brought to bear,
But she's off hibernating, can't be bothered to care,
His heart caves in, under the Winter of his kissed descent,
Doubtless affecting his motivational capacity to invent.

"Just use science with emotion!" he relented at last,
Though reactions in the past had been easily forecast,
Accusations of insincerity resounded like a guitar,
But it's not disingenuous if that's who you are!

Date science suggests playing hot & cold keeps them begging,
But that just seems like passive Red Pill negging.
I wonder if this assists with love, or mere sexuality,
Efficiency can surely be intertwined with morality.

"And isn't it interesting we're back at my long-term burden?"
He said as he wrenched ourselves back from the 3rd person,
Randomized Platonic forms imposed upon my pain,
Somehow elutes my nerve from the chaos again.

This Olympian foot race of thoughts in my head,
Directs my focus from the popcorn to the kernels instead,
I'll take density of wisdom over their flash in the pan,
Now I'm dancing with metaphor because I apparently can.

But time grows short while my mettle shrinks tall,
If my life'll always suck then why save it at all?
And this weight creates a negative feedback loop,
An entropy blackhole filled with absurdist duck soup.

It's about time & space for a feedback of help,
To give me less of the ness, and more of myself,
I'm in a prime place for my boldface fount to create,
Of late, it's been a stressful mess trying to date.

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